Get Started, Get Focused & Get to Work

Apr 26, 2023

⚡Let's Get Unstuck

Do you want to move forward with projects that have been stuck? Do you want to get all the crap out of the way? Have you tried all the digital planners and all the paper planners to get things done? Have you tried the best todo apps, devices such as iPad and Remarkable 2, and analog planner systems? Do you want the satisfaction that comes with getting things shipped?

💡 Get Started

I know that you can overcome this overwhelm and get the satisfaction of work well done. I know because I've been there. Now I'm creating a few very simple tools to help people like you and me. Ambitions - but sometimes stuck. You of course still need to put in the work. But that's the deal: sometimes we get in our own way and don't do the work or don't even know how to get started.

I'm building tools to help overcome this overwhelm in your professional and personal lives.

🤍 Sidebar: You might not even need this

If you are reading this, you likely have enough. You might even have all the tools you need to succeed. Don’t change just because you feel external pressure to be like others or to match the facade of social media. If you are content and happy and fulfilled and busy - great! I may have nothing to share. The self-help industry is a multi-billion dollar machine that preys on our insecurities and hopes. This does not do that. What does it do? Read on!

🎯 Get Focused

I know, you’ve been working hard. It feels like you work a lot and get drained and can’t give any more and can't move forward. However, you can and we’ll look at how. But there are no easy answers. The answer is basically “work”. That's the secret. But just reminding someone to "work!" isn't very helpful. And I want to be helpful. So, we'll be building tools to get you from stuck to started. to focused and working, to delivering!

🚀 Get to Work

We'll look into:

  • goals vs. plans vs. work

  • how the best digital planners can help

  • how plans bring new excitement to your work

  • why you'll want to plan on different time horizons

  • how to build a work *flywheel* that keeps you moving forward

  • why planning can easily become procrastinating and what to do about it

  • how to avoid looping, take small steps forward, and not ever go backward

  • the diminishing returns of perfectionism and how to overcome the draws of "perfect"

  • more topics such as the value of routines and why action > planning and other guides

👋 Who is Making This?

None of us can be defined by a small slice of our public persona. However, just know that I am a self-employed, successful business owner making a healthy income while still being a family man with successful kids and a 30+ year marriage, an active travel schedule, and full social life. I've used this approach to succeed at tasks such as earning multiple degrees, running half marathons, launching products, and getting fit.

However, along the way I made missteps. I:

  • took too long

  • didn't allow for enough risks

  • spent too much time and $$ on useless tools

  • have stacks and stacks of fresh and unused notebooks

  • drowned in productivity porn - looks good but not really useful

Basically, this is the approach I wish I had started using 30 years ago to avoid these missteps.

🛠️ What is It?

It's tools to avoid those pitfalls so you can learn from these mistakes and successes. We expect to offer:

  • Digital planner sheets for your day, week, quarter, and year.

  • A quick-start guide to get you started and on track.

  • Support and open conversations via email.

We'll also have free bonus materials that you get just for following along.

🗓️ When will it be ready?

We're currently putting the finishing touches on our guides and planners, and we can't wait to share it with you. If you want to be the first to know when it's available, sign up below to be notified. I expect this project to launch in the fall of 2023. Thank you for your interest, and we'll see you soon!

⬇️ Sign up to be notified

Sign up here to be notified when it is ready and we will also send you progress updates along with free goodies along the way. I promise, no spam, no obligations, and you can be removed from the list at any time no problem.